
Welcome Jordyn Wallenborn

Our Cen­ter has a new af­fil­i­at­ed re­searcher. Jor­dyn Wal­len­born is Pro­ject Leader for SNF Am­bizione, Swiss Trop­i­cal and Pub­lic Health In­sti­tute. Her pri­ma­ry re­search in­ter­est is Ma­ter­nal and Child Health with a fo­cus on breast­feed­ing, VBAC, and in­fec­tious dis­ease. For her project “Ex­clu­sive breast­feed­ing: glob­al rates, op­ti­mal du­ra­tion, and a mul­ti-coun­try in­ter­ven­tion” she re­ceived an Am­bizione Grant by the Swiss Na­tion­al Sci­ence Foun­da­tion.

We warm­ly wel­come her to the Cen­ter!

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